Sunday, October 23, 2011

I have been working on a table top redesign. The entrance to a  river town called Old Haven. The name comes from a old D&D joke about how all towns are named something Haven. I have been giving a new coat of paint to some old Heroes Quest figures. I have an inn house under construction. I plan to build the whole of the town of Old Haven soon.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Pig farm, I have some finishing touches some fences and a veg table garden and a coat of paint on the shed and house. made out of foam core, 1"blue Styrofoam, recycled pasta boxes, moss, and wire for the tree.

Friday, September 23, 2011

New terrain

I am in Franklin Indiana this week, I am working on a studio out here, and working the B-movie celebration. Well I still try to find time to play with these little figurines I am so addicted to.  I set up a table in my office, while watching a show about  the golden age of Egypt, sipping scotch,  carved some foam while  before I passed out last night.

A small bridge and some ruins. I haven't gotten around to  painting them yet.

It all starts out as a sheet of Styrofoam from Lowes or the Home Depot. I don't sketch or anything I just let the foam show me what is hidden inside of it. I carve it with a hot knife, and these pieces didn't take much longer then an hour to do.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I am playing a game called Mordheim. While Wahammer is played with armies, Mordheim is played as a skirmish game. I have been collecting both Dwarves and Orcs and attempting to create good Mordheim battle units.  I have the dwarf adventures which are eight very comical dwarves, and I picked up the set of four drunken dwarves, which makes the warband of twelve max figures in a dwarven warband.  I have to give Lenny credit for the idea for this warband. I have also been thinking of  creating rules for the Long Drong Slayer Pirates in Mordheim. Because there just needs to be rules for that. Now the Dwarves are far out classed in power then the Orcs so I start them out with 150 more gold crowns, to even every thing up a touch.

I have been building up my Orc army and as Lenny pointed out I have enough to pit Orc against Orc which would be really quite fun.

Dwarf Adventurers
 I, as always need to get a few more models. including Goblin Fanatics, Gnarly Cave Squigs, and some Orc Shamans. Last night I went to the local gaming store to order in the Savage Orc Shaman, and I picked up the Pathfinder rulebook. It is written by the D&D guys that created 3.5 and is just the 3.5 rules updated and streamlined. which is bad ass. 
 Long Drong
Black Orc I am useing for a Big Boss
Long Drong Pirates
The map reader for the adventurers

Long Drongs and Orcs.
a drunken dwarf

Unpainted Adventurers

Slayers fighting a troll.

My table.

the start of the dwarven cliffs carved out of foam.
Foam rocks in the foreground and foam ruins in the background
Jons tree made out of wire and moss.

Because of room constraints I built a 4'x4' table with a fold out table leaf, on casters. Since i have been collecting Dwarves and Orcs I decided to build a Dwarven cliff citadel much like Barak Varr. I used a hot knife to carve the pink and blue Styrofoam,and over the course of a few weeks it started to take shape.the table is topped with felt and I set the landscape on the felt I am close to finished with the sea side dwarven cliff citadel. and I plan to start work on a section of the city of Mordheim, which was struck by a comet. The buildings are going to be built in the style of German impressionism and  will be reminiscent of the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

The damn game, and that rat bastard Lenny.

Let me start you out with a little background, I produce, direct, and design films. So when I got a picture in Cleveland, I just had to visit Lenny the boom operator at the Friends of Joe Cassano, Grip and Crew Hostile,  When I arrive I find my way into the basement said hello to Bob the beagle, and see for the first time the game. There were thousands of miniatures,book cases full of terrain and buildings. a 4'x8' table. ready to go covered in felt. along the ceiling is a row of tanks and every white dwarf mag ever printed. My mind was blown. The next day or two I set up figures and terrain, and took pictures of them.
I started to place random buildings and figures out on the table so you can see 40k mixed with fantasy and Mordheim. Lenny hand crafted those buildings, out of foam-core and cardboard. 
Bob the Beagle

Lennys table was bad ass.

I was hooked. the first day home I built a table of my own, out of recycled materials from the film set.  I have been Collecting Orcs and Dwarves, building and painting non stop. and it is all because of that rat bastard Lenny and his amazing table.